According to the Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia, dendrology is a branch of botanical science that studies woody plants (trees, shrubs, shrubs, climbers). It examines their morphology, anatomy, systematic and taxonomic distribution, geographical distribution, introduction and acclimatisation. The Department of Dendrology of the Botanical Garden of Klaipėda University presents the extensive collections of deciduous, coniferous trees and climbing plants. "Is it anything special here, what could I see," an ignorant citizen would ask. "Deciduous are the ones with leaves, conifers are the trees with needles. And climbers are the ones that wrap around anything". But in fact, in the collections of this department, in addition to osage orange (Maclura pomifera), you can see 13 members of leather flower (Clematis), admire Japanese cedar, Cephalotaxus sinensis or natural rarities such as mountain witch alder, American sweetgum, blue sausage fruit (Decaisnea fagresii). And, for example, to see that in addition to the rowan, familiar to everyone, there are 24 other species of its relatives.

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